The Suppression of Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Corruption - Legislative Changes and the Way Forward

The roundtable discussion, organized in Belgrade to support identifying key priority areas for further improving the efficiency of corruption case investigations, prosecutions, and adjudications, provided an important opportunity for the decision-makers, experts, and practitioners to exchange views from their specific perspectives, explore the lessons learned and the potential for further changes.

The judges and prosecutors of specialized anti-corruption departments from higher and appellate courts and representatives of the Ministry of Interior, have discussed operational work, challenges of implementing the Law on the Organization and Jurisdiction of Government Authorities in Combating Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Corruption and newly adopted legal changes. The discussion focused on possible future legislative amendments in relation to the National Strategy for the Fight Against Corruption and the GRECO recommendations. 

The roundtable was jointly organized by the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office, the “Facility Supporting Strengthening Rule of Law in the Republic of Serbia” co-funded by EU and Germany and implemented by GIZ, EU funded “Facility Supporting Serbia in Achieving the Objectives of Chapter 24: Justice, Freedom & Security” and the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

Last updated: March 4, 2025, 08:13